Soft Moisturizing Gel Socks
Gel Spa Socks For Repairing And Softening Dry Cracked Feet Skins
Gel Lining Infused with Essential Oils And Vitamins
Fabric: Cotton
Length: Shoe Liner
Protects Heel Bone From Extreme Pressure, Fatigue And Strain
Prevents Thickening Of Heel Skin
Keeps Heel Safe From Blisters, Chipped Skin, Corn And Cracked Feet.
Provides Hydration Treatment To Repair Your Dry, Painful, Hard And Cracked Skin On Your Heels
Also Provide An Improvement Of The Appearance By Helping Reduce Fine Lines Of Aging.
The Socks Feature A Porous Design. This Allows Your Feet To Breathe Freely And Keeps Them Sweat Free.
1 Pair per package
The Botanical Gel Present In The Socks Are Rich In Vitamin E, Jojoba Oil, Lavender Oil And Olive Oil.
They Easily Repair And Moisturize Your Heels To A Natural And Healthy Look, And Continue To Nourish, And Increase Flexibility Of Your Heel.
These Silicon Heel Cups For Heel Pain Are Ideal For Women, Men, Kids, One Size Fits All.
This Foot Heel Protector Works Well To prevent dry cracked heel, ankle pain, heel spur, chronic plantar fascists and skin rupture, effectively relief the foot pain
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